Development of knowledge management system for determining organizational culture in micro, small and medium enterprises using organizational culture assessment instrument

Aziz, RZ Abdul and Azima, Fauzan and Irianto, Suhendro Yusuf (2020) Development of knowledge management system for determining organizational culture in micro, small and medium enterprises using organizational culture assessment instrument. Materials Science and Engineering.

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Oganisazitions must improve their competitiviness due to global competition and free market. Organizational cultur and continous improvement ora one of the main factors used not unly to face the competitiviness in the free market but also to improve organizational performance and vision and mission achievement. Marcover, the Organizational culture also has an important element for determining the direction of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). However, many MSMEs currently do not pay attention to their organizational culture so that difficulties emerge in determining the right direction and policy. To selve the problems, this research aimed to determine the companies' organizational culture by using organizational culture assesment instrument (OCAI) based on knowladge management system (KMS) in order to provide recemondations. In the developing the systems. the researchers conducted surveys to several MSMEs and invite expert and practitioners to conduct the process of knowledge capture and literature study and to achieve the best organizational culture recommendations om MSMEs. This research produced a software used for determining the organizational culture based om KMS and OCAI priciples. The developed software was tested to several companies an MSMEs to abtain result with a very high level of accuracy in providing recemmondations. Key Words : oranizational culture, knowledge Manajement System, MSMEs, OCAI

Item Type: Article
Subjects: 600 Teknologi - Ilmu terapan > 650 Manajemen
Divisions: Artikel Ilmiah Dosen > Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Depositing User: editor 1
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2020 04:31
Last Modified: 23 Jun 2021 03:45

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